Monday, August 27, 2012

The Study of Foreign Policy

Sometimes students ask me how they should prepare if they want to take the Foreign Service exam (to work in a US Embassy abroad).  Back when I wanted to take it, I heard you should read the New York Times cover-to-cover for a year.  Here is another take on the same question from the magazine Foreign Policy.

Top 10 Things a Foreign Policy Wonk Should Study

Monday, August 20, 2012

Supplementary Readings Blog

Welcome to PS 2120 Introduction to International Politics.  This blog will host online readings to supplement our regular text's chapters.    I will usually post a short reading once or twice a week, and they are fair game for both in-class questions and the exams.  In addition, if you have something to say about the topic but are not fond of speaking up in class, please post them in the article's comments.

Most posts will have a short commentary about how the reading links to our class topic, then a link to the article for you to read.

Russia and the USSR at the Olympics

This summer you may have watched the Olympics, and seen the Russian team compete.  It didn't do badly, but it wasn't ever in real competition with the US or China for total medals.   There was a time--before you were born--when it went head to head with the US every time.  That, of course, was back when the Cold War raged on, which we'll talk about on Thursday.

How many medals would the USSR have won?